AI Empires should now properly place Common Quarter to gain Stability.AI Empires will now focus more on their Emblematic Districts and should be more efficient in their placement.Improved the way AI Empire use bombardment.Improved the way AI Empires synchronize their Armies for an attack.Improved the way AI Armies will consider going through safe Territories to get closer to the target.Improved the way AI makes prediction when evaluation a battle.Improved feedback for Naval transports, Militias and Siege Weapons.Improved the display speed of the Avatars in the Lobby screen.Improved the pathfinding computation over the fog of war.Improved the flow of dialogues/animations between Avatars in the Diplomacy screen.Added tools to manage and share a Persona on G2G.Added a Fullscreen option in the video settings.Added Game Speed and Game Difficulty information to game saves.Added information on next threshold on Pollution tooltips.Added a Select button in All Military Forces and All Cities and Outposts panels to focus the camera on those elements and select them.Added a War Score breakdown in the Crisis panel.Added a dedicated icon to the War Score.Added subtitles color picker in the accessibility options.Added a notification when only one Technology is left to activate the End Game trigger.Added a notion of attacker anachronism to limit the damage formula.